Monday, April 12, 2010

What could be better than a sunspot??

These two follow the sunspots around the house all day for the perfect place to take a nap. And I would do the same thing (actually some weekends I do); it's quite a cozy spot to take a nap! And Roxy is so smart she discovered a way to make her naps even more enjoyable with
The Oliver Pillow:

Perfection!! That Roxy is one smart cookie.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Oliver loves his balls!

"They're all mine, right?! I don't have to share them with lick-ity splits do I??"


"It's ruff holding those big ears up all day."

Were you expecting something else?? (dirty-bird!!)

Oliver and Roxy's groomer sent 4 tennis balls home for them - and Oliver is just beside himself especially since Roxy would rather be lickin' her paws! It's so nice to have a dog that likes to play fetch. Hopefully we'll get him swimming this summer! And that's not all, he's been learning some news tricks! He's not ready to share those just yet, but hopefully soon!