Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hoppy Easter

I just love a good photoshoot with the girls and I've been dying to get some shots with their 2nd cousin Daniel who is just over 2 months older than they are. And I finally had the opportunity this past weekend when we celebrated Easter with my family.

Dan was trying to eat Harper for a snack!

I was just boring Vera apparently:

Harper is such a peanut!!

Our bunny ears photoshoot:
I have to get these ridiculous but oh so fun holiday photos in before they are old enough to complain
They weren't so sure at first...

But they just loved it, look at H smilin'!

First Easter:
They did so great in church but by time we got to MIL's for brunch they were starving!

We stopped by Auntie & Uncle Joe's on the way home to check out their new driveway and yard.

All pictured out:

The Easter bunny was VERY good to them!

My personal favorite is the alphabet Caroline made for them so they could learn!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Cepetelli-Meyer Wedding, April 16

Dave's very best friend, Tim got married last weekend in Sturbridge, MA. And since I had to take the twins in tow I asked my sister Jen to come with me to help. Dave was the best man, so he went up on Friday for the rehearsal and Jen came over Saturday morning to help load up the van. Initially we were also going to take my brother in law, Joe and Roxy and Oliver but Joe stayed back for opening day of freshwater fishing so we got to leave the dogs behind with him. I'm not sure how we would have all fit!
My good passengers:

Vera, Harper, & Stoney

All of our crap!

The girls were being so good we decided to take them to the church ceremony and while they kept me on the edge of my seat, they actually did really well.

The beautiful bride, Caroline:

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Cepetelli:

Jose said a nice blessing:

Dave gave a good toast. As did the maid of honor:

Beth - 3 martini's in, borrowing Myke as usual:

Childhood friends:


Monday, April 18, 2011

Orthodox Christening

I was raised (baptized & confirmed) Roman Catholic but despite this we chose to baptize the girls Russian Orthodox which is the religion Dave was brought up in. It is quite the ceremony to see, even if you're not into the whole God/religion thing. Not sure if my pictures will do it much justice but they may help better understand what went on during the ceremony since my family left not understanding much. I talk pretty fast and even I have a hard time keeping up with Father David!

The baptism begins in the back of the church where, surprisingly - since I'm not a member of the church, I was "churched":

Once this is done the Godparents take over and we sit back and watch the baptism of our babies.

Colin & Mary (Harper's Godparents), Jen & Marcus (Vera's Godparents)

Being prayed over and blessed with oil:

In the Baptism each baby is immersed 3x into the water:
(the most exciting part - the only part I really wanted to see and as you can see in the background of both V & H's dunkings I completely missed! Harper's diaper was dirty so we had to change it and while we were doing that Father David was dunking Vera. Then when we finished cleaning up Harper I turned around and Jen and Marcus were there with Vera ready to be taken back to be changed into her gown. So as we were taking her back to be changed I looked back in time to quickly see a soaking wet Harper! I'm still really bummed I completely missed this entire part.)

H & V being anointed with myrrh:

Taking their religious walk:
Tradition states this is when guardian angels are assigned to them.

Tonsure (cutting of hair):
[4 locks of hair are cut from their heads in the form of a cross. This is an expression of gratitude from the child, having nothing to give to God in return for the blessings of their sacraments they offer their hair.]

Being formally presented to God in the church:
[much like the Lion King!]

Our baptized babies:





3 Generations:

Uncle Joey stilllll won't hold a baby!

