Tuesday, September 1, 2009

An Extra Special Gift

3 years ago today was the start of a VERY exciting weekend for us!

I had just gotten a pedicure in preparation for of our wedding weekend which was starting with our church rehearsal and dinner later that night. While I was sitting at the drying station my cell phone rang. It was my mother in law and I was pretty sure I knew what she was going to tell me - Mary (my sister in law) had gone into labor that morning so she and her husband Chuck were at the hospital and the baby should come anytime. Which was a much better scenario than the nightmare I'd had a few weeks prior in which Mary's water broke as she was walking down the aisle in the bridal procession!

While the baby had been due August 24, Mary was really hoping to go 2 weeks earlier but what baby ever cooperates and comes when you want them?! I have friends who had baby's that were so cozy they would probably still be pregnant if their Dr's. hadn't gone in and physically taken them out! So everyone had been anxiously waiting the weeks leading up to the wedding. And we all finally got the good news as the church rehearsal was wrapping up that Mary and Chuck had a baby girl, Caroline! Our first niece!!!

And today is her 3rd Birthday which we'll be celebrating this weekend (i.e. more pictures to come)!

Just a week old

1st Birthday

With Uncle Dave, her godfather

Beating up Auntie with the balloon

2nd Birthday

Uncle Dave & Caroline

*****Pictures from this weekends party that I promised to post*****

I can't believe she's already 3!

Carolines' new thing is, "I can do it, I'm 3!" And since she is 3 she now has friends of her own so she got to have them over earlier in the day for their own little party with a moon bounce and all! And since the moon bounce was rented for the day the "big kids" that came later on in the afternoon got to enjoy it as well!

Even Mimi gave it a try!!

Uncle Dave found Caroline a princess card that turned into a crown!

If she's not hitting me in the head with balloons she's trying to undress me!

Our 2 sweet, sweet nieces! Growing up too quickly!


  1. i love this! it is so cute and it certainly was a fantastic weekend...we had a new baby and a new family member in Nic!!
