Monday, November 22, 2010

A New Mile Marker

Everyone knows about the preggo panel pants and in my eagerness to grow I couldn't resist buying a pair on sale a few months ago. And after trying them on week after week and being disappointed that they didn't quite fit yet I forgot about them until this morning....

And you guessed it they finally fit at 26 weeks!! (Although when I was at the OB last week and they "tape measured" my belly I'm actually measuring at 32 weeks; not surprising since there are 2 buns in the oven.)

And I have to say as excited as I thought I was to wear these, I'm not sure I'm the biggest fan. If I had the expertise I'd re-sew them to my liking. At least I have a few normal pairs of jeans that still fit and I won't be wearing these "panel pants" for too much longer!

On the positive side the big belly makes my legs look really skinny! Which is a feat in itself. Once that belly goes away and I gain back all the muscle I've lost when I start running again those skinny legs will be a thing of the past and I'll be sad to see them go.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, OMG, you are too funny. And you are so freaking tiny! HOW do you have two babies in that belly!? Amazingness!
