Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Looking Ahead to 2011

I kinda fell off the blogging bandwagon in 2010 because once I found out I was pregnant it became very personal to me and finding out I was carrying twins made it a bit more nerve wracking so we didn't share our news until much later than usual with even our closest family and friends. So I was very hesitant putting it out there for anyone in the cyber-world to find out about! And considering we found out the beginning of June that was half of 2010! It's crazy to believe I spent half of 2010 pregnant!!

I can't even begin to imagine what this next year is going to be like. Between learning to take care of a baby times 2, caring for our marriage, making sure our furbabies continue to get their own love and attention, and doing the parent/work juggling act all on sleep deprivation is going to be interesting. And these are just the things that NEED to be taken care of never mind the things I'd like to do! I can't even remember the last time I made any goals for the New Year but this next year is going to be such a wild ride I know there are things I need to keep on top of to help us get though it as smoothly as possible. And besides just trying to keep my head above water there actually are some things I'd like to accomplish, if for nothing else my own sanity!

1.) COMMUNICATION; my worse trait and the one thing I have the hardest time working on (thanks, Dad)!

2.) Arriving on time or at least not any later than I normally did before we had 2 kids to pack up and get out the door with me.

3.) Keeping out the clutter; magazines, junk mail, negative energies, extra STUFF... we are going to have more than enough kids crap around now cluttering up our humble home.

4.) Getting back to my pre-pregnancy body and out of these banded pants ASAP.

5.) RUNNING - my long lost friend that I've missed dearly. And hopefully even getting a half marathon or 2 in this year and a couple 5K's with the double jogger.

6.) Taking our dogs for walks again and to even one-up that, going for walks with the double stroller and both dogs!

7.) Continuing my sewing.

8.) Getting a table at a craft fair with my sister and maybe even finally getting some stuff put up on my Etsy site.

9.) Staying on top of all the pictures I'll be taking this year and actually getting them into photo books, which is probably going to be the hardest of all for me considering I'm still working on getting our wedding/honeymoon album together!

10.) Posting a blog every other week or mini blogs more often. I'm sure this will be the first thing to get pushed off due to time constraints but with my super duper new speedy laptop Dave spoiled me with for Christmas I don't have any excuses.

11.) Spending quality time with Dave as well as my girlfriends.

12.) Continuing to work on Oliver's agility skills/classes.

This list may be a bit long for our first year with twins so we'll see how it goes...

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