Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's time to face the facts, I'm getting old

I used to dye my hair all the time, to change the color, just for fun. Now I have to dye my hair every few months to keep my hair the color it is. Is it just me or do those pesky [color unnamed] hairs seem to multiply overnight?

I first noticed this change when I was turning 30 (the year I became hyper aware of age) and I had all those horrible feelings and felt bad for myself about "getting old" but my BFF put it in perspective for me [thank god for her] and after a couple months I came to terms with this new up-keeping.

But now I'm starting to see those fine lines (aka: wrinkles) - when the hell did they arrive??! (And btw that little quote about wrinkles merely indicating where smiles have been; it doesn't make me feel any better! And how messed up is that - punishment for smiling??!) So instead of locking myself in a closet and crying (I am almost 31 after all and it wasn't many years ago I believed 30 to be ancient!) I went to The Body Shop and got myself a new skin regimen.

And I have to admit I took offense when the women that work there wanted to help me find something suitable to my skin type! It's a hard thing for me to admit out loud to a complete stranger that I'm looking for anti-aging creams! So my pride took the better of me and I (with the help of my sister) found exactly what I was looking for on my own. Lets just hope it does what is says and I can be strict enough to follow the instructions twice a day, every day.

I can hardly wait to see what's next?!? Varicose veins?? At least my boobs aren't big enough to sag.

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