Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Bag #2

This is mainly what kept me from any blogging last week:

I had a big Etsy order to make and ship off to Canada that consumed all my nightly hours last week. And I was lucky enough to kill two birds with one stone - make AND sell bag #2 of my 52 bags in 52 weeks project! This project all started thanks to 'lil sis starting a fire under my ass when she saw I only had 1 bag on my Etsy site (which was supposed to be all handbag based!) So my goal for 2012 is to make (knit, sew, crochet) 1 bag a week. As time goes on I'll see if I have to bend any rules! And we'll see come Dec. 31 how I did!

Bag #2 took me 3 nights of ripping out 4 inches worth of knitting, 5 different time before I even started knitting it to my liking. Hopefully it's new owner will be very happy with it!

But no fret, while I was busy with my order I was still taking my pictures for my project of capturing an ordinary day every day for 366 days! And I was even lucky enough to catch a "first" of H's last week!

D10/366 - 11 months old, H pulled herself up in her crib for the first time!
I put H down for her afternoon nap, then put V down for her's, turned around and to my surprise this is what I saw!

It was actually a big day for H. She learned to crawl up our stair later that day!

Just a couple more of my favorites from the week:

D11/366, Jan. 11 at the beach!


I tried the "10 for 10" project on the 10th and I wasn't happy with my efforts. (1) I wasn't able to be consistent with taking a photo every hour [I can't always just up and leave to find something creative to take a picture of when the clock strikes the hour with 11 month old twins] and (2) I was not at all creative about it [which I only realized after I saw the pictures Tiffany took]. So I may try again next month. We'll see... at least I have an entire month to figure it out.

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