Saturday, January 7, 2012

D363, 362, & 361!!

So I have to do a little bit of catch up b/c surprise, surprise I got behind! But I have been taking my pictures!

It's just been a crazy week with Dave coming home later than usual from work, which then effects my work night, and I've had some projects I needed to work on - new stuff for my Etsy shop and two special orders I'm very excited about! And actually I should be working right now but being the weekend I know I'll have a few extra hours (girls nap time) to get some work done.

So I just couldn't wait to get on here to post my pictures and write a little. I have to say I'm loving reading all the posts and ideas for the 52/366 projects and it is giving me so many ideas (like I really need anymore of those!) and really making me think about what I want to do with all these photos when I'm done and what I want to make of this project. Just be more aware of my days? My girls growth; because if I could I would put it on pause in a heartbeat!? Improve my photography skills? (Of course! But since I take most of my photos on my iPhone with either camera+ or instagram I'm not sure I would really call that photography!) I'm still not really sure what this project is going to evolve into. I just hope I'm able to make it the whole 366 days.

And one of the ideas I picked up today from Tiffany is "10 on 10" - 10 pictures in 10 hours on the 10th of every month. Not sure if this project appeals to me more b/c my girls were born on the 10th and every month for the last year I've done a photo-session with them on the 10th. So this would just be a continuation of my current tradition with the added twist of a picture every hour. I may just have to try this out! I like the idea of catching an entire ordinary day every month. Just not sure how interesting and exciting I can make this though.

Now for my last days pictures:

D363: Apparently I just wear this kid out! I put her down for her nap and she started playing with her stingray, I went to get her sister and came back to find her like this - totally passed out in less than 2 min.!

D362: Home away from Home - work! After a week off with little to no help from DH (due to his crazy work obligations) I came to miss my few hours I am guaranteed to get out of the house! It really is a love/hate relationship I have with work. But I know how lucky I am to have the steady income, amazing benefits, and a boss who allows me to work such a crazy schedule so I can spend so much of my day with my girls.

D361: My solution for keeping V from unfolding all of the clothes I folded [and refolded and refolded, after she crawled through my piles throwing all the clothes around! It's amazing how quick she is.] It has only taken me 5 months to come up with this. That was a lot of refolding I wouldn't have had to do....

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