Monday, January 2, 2012

Resolutions already broken!

So it's only the second day of the new year and I've already had to break a resolution: signing up for the NYC marathon lottery. I'm still torn and a little on the fence but when I found out this years steep entry fee {$266} I began to re-think the idea. It is an AWESOME race and I love it so, so much but the last time I ran it, in 2006 it was $160, last year it was $200 which was hard to swallow but I was willing and then for it to have gone up $66 more a year later without garanteed entry and harder qualification times I'm thinking a rebellion is in order! But have no fear, I'm in search of another fall marathon...Maybe Hartford (most practical), Philly... Besides the steep entry fee I don't know how well my first marathon post-babies is going to go and I don't want to run a bad NY if I'm not able to get into the shape I would like to be in for a marathon. So we'll have to see what comes of my training and which marathon makes the most sense for me to run this year (if any).

While we're on breaking resolutions; I didn't make it into bed by 1am last night either...better luck tonight! Although there is a bag I want to get finished so I may be a little late again, since I don't have the will power to leave a few finishing touches until the next day. After lil sis went on my Etsy site to check what I had going on and reported back she thought there'd be more bags it got me thinking I DO need to get sewing more bags. That really was the whole thought/idea behind starting an Etsy site. So I'm challenging myself to make a bag a week - 52 bags this year!! Off the top of my head, I started sewing bags about two years ago and I think I have made 15 bags. 52 - lofty goal, we shall see.... Hopefully tomorrow I'll have pics of bag #1!

And for my 366 pic project; picture D365:

Emma-lou's 3rd birthday celebration!
Incredible how much a little girl can grow in 1 year! It's so awesome to watch from the sidelines and it makes me so excited for what our future has in store for us with V & H.

1 comment:

  1. $266! Oh my goodness, that is ridiculous! I would hesitate too! Hopefully I'll be in shape for a fall marathon too, maybe we could do one together! And by together I mean, you'll have to wait for me at the finish line, haha.

    Great resolutions, Nic. I like them all, especially the 366 picture project and the going to bed before 1 am (really? I don't know how you function on so little sleep!). My biggest resolution is to chill out on the house stuff and spend more quality time with James and my lady loves. =) xo
