Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Best of February

There are a couple more "Life after twins" posts I still want to write but I'll have to come back to those at another time...

I need to get my 366 project pictures for the month of Feb. up before it's already April!

I love catching them sleeping!

The GIANTS won the superbowl!! And V still fits into a 3-6 mth. t-shirt at 1!

Chiklits turned 1!

They love playing hide and seek in the curtain.

"Oh crap, she found us!"

We started running again

Prepping for spring training

DH teaching V how to play the drum

I'm definitely not getting a picture a day but I'm trying to capture as many "moments" as I can even if the photo quality isn't that great. Even the "moments" are hard to catch some days - they just happen so fast and are over before I can grab the camera.

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