Friday, March 16, 2012

I Vow

"I did the best I could" seems to be the latest phrase. I've heard in multiple times from family members this year, I seem to be reading it on FB status updates and even in blogs now. The worse is when it's followed by "I'm sorry if that was not good enough for you."

I vow, here, today on Friday, the sixteenth of March, two thousand twelve that I will NEVER say that to my Chiklits!! It is such a cop out. What I hear when that comes out of someones mouth is "I'm so selfish, I always put my needs first" or "I am a huge f**k up". It's really pathetic and I suppose even sad as to what "the best" is for some people. That's fine if they feel that's their best - everyone is allowed their own opinion. There is just a better way of saying such a thing like, "I did all I knew to do at the time" or "I didn't know any better".

Don't give me some bull shit line about "doing the best you could". And that is why I will not feed that same line to my girls. I know there is no manual on child rearing and we all do what we feel is right only later on in life to be told by said children that we sucked. (Well hopefully my girls won't think that.) But when and if they do call me out on my faults I will NEVER tell them "I did the best I could" - there is always better.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there. I totally agree that it is a crappy line and a cop out, "I did the best I could" or "I didn't know any better" And if you feel anyway that I have you may have wanted to scream! "But you're an adult! Make Adult Decisions" and I hear the same thing when those lines are fed to me "I am a selfish person and it's all about me".....but remember (and yes I am going to go there) god put us in our situations for a reason. And today you make the decisions you make because you are more selfaware than our family members ever were or ever will be. Because you can look at a situation and say and own it knowing that you have are able to sleep at night. So hang in there! At the end of the day know that you and your husband love those girls and that's all they need! Aunties, Grandmas, Grandpas, Uncles, Cousins. They love them too, but your love and your example is what they will ALWAYS go back to! And that trumps all those angry feelings, for me they do, when I sleep at night.
