Thursday, March 1, 2012

My first year with twins; running

I seem to have re-kindled my love with running recently. It's been a bumpy road but I think I'm finally back!! And it's going to be a loooong road back to where I want to be but the journey has to start somewhere!

All this unseasonably warm weather and this fun virtual marathon I fell upon (26.2 miles in 31 days) has helped get me back into gear. Ugh, getting back into shape is such a drag! And every.single.time I get myself into this predicament I remind myself not to ever let myself get out of shape again! Sadly these days I seem to need motivation to keep on track. I need a reason [other than the fact that the girls LOVE going out for runs with their mommy] to psych myself up to get out there and push 34lbs. (and gaining) up and down the hills in my neighborhood. So I've set some goals for this summer and fall running season. And I have completely taken running a marathon this year off of that list. What is the rush?! I had to take off 4 years of running to get 2 of the best training partners a momma could want.

They helped me shed all the baby weight and now they are going to get me into shape to run a couple half marathons this season! And if all goes well maybe next year we'll look into taking a vacation somewhere fun to tackle that post-baby marathon.

The beginning of getting back into shape: 4 miles @ 11min. pace! Yikes!!! Humbling...

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